火曜日, 10月 24, 2006

milk bath!

I took in milk bath yesterday. suprisingly enough, I was in the bathroom for 2 hours! Of course I slept there.I could relax. It was very comfortable night!

5 件のコメント:

mayuy.20 さんのコメント...

You really like bath!! I like, too. Did your fingers get swollen?? Let's go ONSEN next!!

yukk-y さんのコメント...

I like taking a bath very much. I couldn't go to Ganbanyoku with you a month ago. so , why don't you go there with me someday?? Of course I'll drive.

space.k. さんのコメント...

2 hours?? So long time. I see you like bath. I see...☆

coolui さんのコメント...

I want to take a milk bath.
You should be relax and forget of his behavior. Aa〜…

Rick さんのコメント...

What effect does a milk bath have?